Oaths of Blood
A war of shadows spanning centuries. An ancient order of knights sworn to eradicate the dark feral parts lurking inside men. A crusade to take back the holiest city in all of Christendom. And an ancient relic of power that could change the world.

Sands of Bone
After the disastrous battle of Hattin, Cutnose and Balian de Ibelin attempt to defend the city from Saladin’s army. However, a new faction in the shadow war wants them both dead.

City of Wolves
The Order’s quest for the chalice brings a new crusade to the rotting Eastern Roman Empire’s doorstep, and the only ones who can slow their conquest are the Emperor’s Wolves. Will they fall to the last man?
“be careful who you call devil. Sometimes devils are the only company you keep, or the only company that will keep you.”
“Akin to acclaimed grimdark author Joe Abercrombie’s The Heroes, Irons’ Bridge of Kings covers an entire skirmish between two forces, presenting a grim and bloody view of war through the perspective of an anti-hero berserker hell-bent on destroying anything and everything he comes across.” Readers’ Favorite 5-star review on Bridge of Kings

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